Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Shadows quivered at the sound,
leaves scurried from the persistant wind.
One flame flickered on dying in the cold,
it's purple enchantment clearing the clouds,
only to see the twinkling eyes of the stars.
Trees fought for land intertwining their branches,
breaking apart the path into one.
The purple flame extinguished,
cascading ink on my luck,
the luck I alone could only have created.


  1. A lovely poem, it's true we are responsible for our own actions whether the luck be good or not so good. a most enjoyable read.


  2. Hellooo! Thanks for finding me :) Yes I did delete the She Poet blog only to have so many wonderful people ask what happened. Your poetry just keeps getting better and better. Keep it up, always write no matter what! Love the last two lines, such finality.
