Saturday, August 15, 2009


Ticking hands don't struggle they laugh as they swiftly move by,
providing a moment, a number, a time in our lives,
the same pattern same numbers adding up to days, years,
then one day we're gone,
the clock lives on forever reliving only its past,
numbers we have already put up with,
the clock the lonely the sorrow building into the gears,
the one in the corner who only thinks of how much time is left,
how much time is lost, and the past.
The clock, the hands, the one that is living the numbers not the moment.
The clock mocking every life every moment of every day.


  1. A very thought provoking post. It reminds me of the saying "Time and Tide Waits For No-one "


  2. I especially loved, " reliving only its past,
    numbers we have already put up with,"

  3. Time can be our friend or worst enemy. Man controls all things on earth except time. It moves forward and outlast all living things in the universe. Time heals, time reveals. The only command we have over it is what we do with it. An interesting write.
