Friday, July 17, 2009


The whispers in the breeze will haunt you. The grass will dance to your beat. The moon will shine in your direction. The birds will chirp your song. Then you will run, undecided to a land of alone. Running from the things that point you in the right direction. Destiny cannot be found alone, but in the midst of oppurtunity. The whispers in the breeze will send you forward. The grasses dance will always be, the moon will lend you confidence,and the birds chirping your song will find your voice. All that is left, is you.


  1. Such profound words Marie, It was a pleasure to read.


  2. wow... thats really cool. i didnt really ever think about it that way.
    i will say it again, I HAVE GREAT NEWS! call me or something!

  3. Love it! I shall visit more often.

  4. I love the mirrored imagery you portray here. An interesting perception on how one tries to runaway from their destiny, their purpose, and in doing so escape the very elements in nature that is calling them forth with guidance and fulfillment. Without destiny one can feel out of place.

  5. Marie, you will go very far with your poetry and other writings, I know it.
