Thursday, May 7, 2009

Peer a Little Closer

Perfection. A river flowing seems so perfect. Staring closely you envy it's beauty. From a different angle you see the ripples in the water hiding deep shadows unseen from imperfect eyes. It's bad qualities leaking through.

Perfection. A person laughing without a care in the world there miniscule promblems non existant. Yet alone in the street their tears sting their eyes burning a hole in the picture you hold of them care free. Their reflection the true one, only another problem. There lives lived through an unseen lie. Opinoins? Chirp your song.


  1. oh my gosh! that i soooo goooood!
    haha and i will right the stereotype one soon.... good luck at the concert tonight,

    hey one thing, can you change your backround? i wanna have it to myself... sorry babe! love ya

  2. Wow marie... this thing/blog is quite perty...

  3. The word that stands out on this one Marie is "Perfection" What is perfection to some is not to others, like the river it may look clean on the surface but take a closer look
    there are articles thrown in by passers by.
    Perfection in people is a rare comodity,
    we all have faults some folk see them others don't. Another good read,
